Middlebury Center, Pa.,

March 17th, 1926.

Dear Cousins:-

I will try and write a few lines to the Campbell Cousins; my hands are getting rather clumsy-- I cannot write as I used to but maybe you can make out a part of it.

This has been a long, lonesome winter for us; only just three of us in this big house. We had a family living in the front part but they went on a visit the first week of January, - then there came a big snow storm and they could not get their car through the snow drifts and so we have been alone.

Charlie's health is very poor, hardly able to do our few chores, - only two cows, two horses and the fowls to feed, but I have been real well this winter. Florence goes to school here in our district school, - only three girls and seven boys, not like the school we used to go to with thirty-five or forty scholars and in the winter such riding down hill, Oh! glory, but things have changed about and everything seems new, -- I don't see how they do it yet, but still I know they do -- just a little reminiscence, -- please excuse me but such things come into my mind and I cannot resist.

Today is a beautiful day, bright sunshine all day. St. Patrick's Day in the morning but it has been a beautiful day and I have enjoyed it. Charlie had to go to town, Florence to school, the dog and I are here alone, but I have enjoyed it here on the hills forty miles from nowhere, neighbors half a mile away, can't even hear their dog bark or their rooster crow but where ignorance is bliss you know it is folly to be wise.

I hope we will all be able to be at the Cousins Dinner this fall as I do enjoy them very much.

There is no special news to write. Everything is very peaceable in this neighborhood, -- no fights or quarreling, everybody minds their own business and so peace reigns supreme,-- you would think so if you could just step in here this forenoon-- the dog is asleep under the couch two cats asleep in the rocking chair, the breakfast dishes ready to wash, and the broom stands leaning up against the rocking chair waiting very patiently to be used, and I must put this nonsense one side and get myself in motion or I will hear from headquarters.

Hope this will be accepted then I will have the courage to write again next year if I am spared.

With love to all the Cousins of the Campbell Clan, Good bye.



Volume IV- Page 24
(Eleanor Campbell Family)

Copyright © 2013, 2015 William B. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.